Friday, June 1, 2012

LCD Clock MSP430 Nokia 5110

So I finally managed to program a somewhat real-time clock using the MSP4302012 target boards ( It took me a while because all of the code I tried to use did not work haha. I ended up kludging together some prewritten code and then writing some of my own ( The code was written in Code Composer Studios and will not work with mspgcc.

The connections I used are as follows:
Nokia   :   MSP430
1 VCC :    P1 VCC
2 GND :   P13 GND
3 SCE  :   P2
4 RST :  P3
5 D/C : P4
6 DNK(MOSI) : P5
7 SCLK : P6
8 LCD : P7

One should just be able to import this code into Code Composer and if using the same pin connections It should work immediately. You can run it off the ez430 USB stick or 3V. I used two coin cells in parallel. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.